However your job search is going, learn to regularly review and pivot.
Job Search - Review
Set aside an hour a week with your notes to formally review your job hunt:
Review your objectives for this week and whether you've achieved them. If not, ask why not and schedule them for the next week.
Set objectives for the next week and write them in your notes.
Follow up on any emails, calls or applications that are due. Putting each application on a separate note allows relatively easy tracking of what you need to do and when for each application.
Discuss with your partner/coach how things are going. Use them as a mirror for yourself.
Review how much time you have left before you need to succeed (if you're already unemployed, this will be shorter than if you're still at work) and whether you need to make changes.
Job Search - Pivot
You may not find that things are not going well. You may be doing everything you need to, but you just aren't getting traction.
Here are some things you can try:
Use your network to find somewhere that you can work for free, to improve on skills that your feedback suggests you need;
Return to your old contacts and see if you can do short-term, paid work as a contractor;
Contact and use an outplacement company;
Discuss your experiences with others going through the same process — use LinkedIn, Meetups or your private networks;
Volunteer, give back and develop new skills and networks;
Consider starting a business or
Hire a coach.
Here are all the Project Job posts in order: